Small Biography

I wrote my first poem on November 1995 when I was 15 years old. Inspiration came from a few sources: a literature related mailing list (called LiT) where I knew a few people, their works and ideas and also from one or two people I used to talk to through DALNET IRC network. Writing became natural, I even did it in the middle of electronics classes I had at school. The site started as a natural consequence of the happiness I got from letting people read my works. At times I wanted to try different approaches because I was coming to the conclusion that most of my poems sounded a like and were not pleasing me anymore. Some of my experiences were rather negative but it was with experimentation that I got written some of my favourite poems.

Always what mattered most was the feedback I got that kept me marvelled even when I didn't like what I wrote. Although I must say that at times reading my poems, specially a couple of selected ones, was a way of feeling much better as I did like them a lot and felt fulfilled with the work done.

I got one of my poems "Waiting for Eternity" published "In Our Own Words - a Generation Defining Itself" Volume 2 and afterwards, through, I had yet another poem published on a hardcover compilation and a spoken word CD.

At this moment my creative work has come to a stall but my interest in writing is still inside and many ideas come to mind for future projects and I don't think it will take long until I actually create new things in the future (because that's what I want).

"Some girls are bigger than others" - Morrissey

Copyright © Tiago Dias 1997-2001