Autor: Hayao Miyazaki
para o grupo de Jpop Chage & Aska
Ano: 1995 Duração: 6 min 40 seg
Custo de Produção: 100,000,000 Yen
Tempo de produção: 6 meses Estúdio: Ghibli
Estreia: Dia 15 de Julho de 1995 nos cinemas junto com o filme da Ghibli Mimi Wo Sumaseba.

Video Clip e Audio já disponíveis.

A criação de um video clip para a música "On Your Mark" foi apenas uma boa desculpa para a criação de mais uma obra prima de Miyazaki que condensa toda a sua arte em cerca de seis minutos e meio de animação e emoção.
O génio criador de Miyazaki ao delinear a estória e as personagens aliou-se à perfeição da animação e dos maravilhosos cenários executados pelos estúdios Ghibli para fazer desta muito curta metragem algo de único.
As três personagens principais mostram um caracter de uma força extrema e a determinação que as vai levar até uma nova realidade mais bela e liberta.
Tudo começa com uma incursão da polícia na sede de um culto religioso. A extrema violência usada pelos agentes nesta operação acaba por ser aceite quando nos apercebemos das atrocidades que vinham a ser cometidas pelo culto e quando descobrimos um anjo acorrentado em toda a sua beleza e fragilidade. Este anjo torna-se desde logo, aos nossos olhos, na personagem principal e o desenrolar de uma acção metaforizada leva-nos a viver fortemente um abrupto rodopiar de emoções . . .

Aqui fica a tradução para o inglês de uma entervista ao Miyazaki publicada na revista de animação japonesa "Animage" de Setembro de 1995:

" -With "Policemen" and "Angel", it was like a movie by Oshii Mamoru-San.

Miyazaki: Oshii-San always makes much of Angel being born or not, so I just went ahead and put her in the film -laughs-. But, I haven't said that she was an angel, and maybe she was a person of bird (Tori no Hito - another nickname of Nausicaa -ryo). It doesn't matter.

-I felt that there was enough material for one feature film in the six minutes and 40 seconds.

M: I put in a lot of cryptic things, but since it's a music film, people can interpret it as they want.

- What was the strange building in the peaceful countryside we saw at the beginning of the film?

M: You can interpret it anyway you want, but I think that it's enough if you can feel something from the truck with the radiation warning sign in the next scene. There is so much radiation on the Earth's surface, humans can no longer live there. But, there is flora, just like there is one around Chernobyl. It became a sanctuary for nature, with the humans living in the underground city. In reality, I don't think they will be able to live like that. I think they'll live on the surface, suffering from disease.

- This is the music film of 'On Your Mark'.

M: I intentionally misinterpret the lyrics. It's a story (about a world) after the so-called the fin de siecle. It's the world covered with radiation and disease. In fact, I believe that such an era will come, and I made the film thinking about what it would mean to live in such a world. I think that in such an era, (people) will be very conservative about criticisms to the system, while they'll also become very anarchic. That's because they still think they have things to lose, and if they lose everything, they'll become anarchic, and will start dying like dogs. And we use "drugs", "professional sports", or "religion" as distractions from such (reality), don't we? So such (distractions) will become widespread. And I thought that it was a song which expressed what you would want to say in argots to hide them from the authority, in such an era. It's a film filled with ill-will -laughs-.

-For example, the part of the lyrics, "whenever we started running, we came down with a flu", does this "flu" mean the world contaminated with radiation or disease?

[Side Note: In the original, "Ryuukou no Kaze" can be interpreted in two ways. One is just a "flu", the other is "flu of fashion". And I think it was meant to have double meanings. -Ryo]

M: (without denying or affirming this), Seeing it from the entire history of the earth, humans' problems are just like a flu.

-....The angel whom two policemen rescue can be seen as one hope in the chaotic world. Just like the lyrics, "We still won't stop because...", the scene in which they rescue the angel was repeated over and over. After several failed attempts, she flied into the blue sky, leaving the chaotic world, just like a hope. But the policemen were left behind on the ground...

M: It's not as if she was a savior, or they exchanged feelings with her through her rescue. It's just that, if you don't completely give up on the situation and you keep your hope, not letting anyone touch it, and then you have to let it go, you let it go where no one can touch it. It's just that. Maybe there was a bit of exchange in the moment of letting her go. That's fine, that's enough. ...Probably they'll go back to be the policemen. I don't know if they could go back, though -laugh-.

-And the world they are going back is the world of a "flu".

M: After all, we have no choice but to start from there. Even in a chaotic era, there are good things, or things which excite us. Like Nausicaa said, "We are birds, who fly again and again over that morning, coughing off blood".

Ryo -

(Thanks to Eric for editing.)

Translated without permission for *personal entertainment purposes only*. The translator is solely responsible for any mistranslation or misunderstanding due to it.

( ) is added by the translator to supplement the words to make things easier to understand.

This is *not*, by any means, an accurate word for word translation. The translator simply does not have the capability, the patience, or the dictionary for that (excuses, excuses ^^;;).

Tiago Dias

Visitas desde 20/1/98

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